Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We've got some serious issues people!

Let me see if I get this straight: We have an economy that's as resilient as Humpty Dumpty. We have a health-care system that might put Humpty together again if he were adequately insured (for thousands of dollars per year). And meanwhile, all the king's soldiers are on the other side of the world fighting in a war whose cost may be headed for the trillion-dollar stratosphere.

Yes, we've got issues, which are all front and center in this highly critical presidential election year.

And so the most recent debate has turned to Barack Obama's outspoken former pastor, coming on the heels of the endorsement of John McCain by another outspoken cleric with a history of spewing hate-filled rhetoric.

Yes folks, we're debating issues that really matter! How holy art thou candidate? Meanwhile, the economy, health care, and the war in Iraq - not to mention the environment and the solvency of Social Security - get pushed to the side.

Rant over! Now let's get out there and become fully informed about the real issues before we cast our votes!

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